21 April 2013

Daniel Smith watercolors

Hello! And a warm welcome!

The color nerd broke through after I read a blogpost in Jenny`s Sketchbook 
and something on deviantart about different watercolors by another color nerd, I forgot the name of :(
What seemed interesting are the colors that in drying break up into two different color tones.
(See below). They have a special beauty and do not regret buying them a bit.
They consist of special pigment that fall out or two pigments that separate with drying.

Here you see what I bought: 7 colors and the color dots to see if I want something else next time.
And my jellyfish. Totally unrelated. Neon markers.

Another photo of the dots, which are dried colors, always water soluble. Watercolors are practical!

There is more about the colors with pics behind the cut!

The colors from left to right are: permanent orange, lunar black, shadow violet, moonglow, cobalt blue violet, rose of ultramarine and cascade green (at least I hope).
I tried some of the dots. Those glittery and duochrome colors aren`t really convincing me. But the bright pink, called Opera Pink should be in my palette someday! 

The following photos show the magnificient color separation!
I hope I can do a picture with them soon.

Thanks for looking and till next time!

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