21 January 2020

Praise you Liselotte Eriksson!

As art lover, art aficionado, art collector, artista and so on, I wish to start a new project.
I got so many ideas alas not much time.
I like to write and I miss writing as I did when way back I had more time.
Art still is one of the most important things in my life.

My first contribution shall be that I post about my fav artists.
Every now and then as my demanding day job as art therapist in a clinical setting takes a lot of my will time. 
I plan to paint portraits of my fav artists as well but time was too short especially for this one!

First you have swedish artist Liselotte Erkisson

I followed Liselotte Eriksson for some years now starting will Elfwood in 2002 or so.
I read her Livejournal I think, watched and faved on Deviantart. Nowadays it is Facebook, Instagram and especially her Patreon site, where I support several artists.

She does great photography, draws, paints, photo manipulates, seems to have great friends and family that pop up in her art. Topicwise it is enchanting, fairy tales, fae, swedish folklore, fierce nakedness and sexuality. Mushrooms, toads, fauns, mermaids.... you name it. There are painted stones and sculptures too. She made booklets and has probably more ideas than she can ever realize, as most artists have.

I bought several pieces of hers over the years that I know her art. She writes open hearted and it is always good not to only hear about successes but the hard times too. Artist life often is a hard life and as art really is magic and enriches everyones life I think it should be lighter and easier and much better paid :D
I shall write more about art and artists in posts to come.

Why the hurry?

Now is the best time

She just launched a new website! Here it is!

The kickstarter: A boardgame with her art runs just a few more days!

Her Facebook is a good place to follow!


  1. hi ! thanks for sharing,very interesting!! ew :)

  2. Replies
    1. Hey! thank you! I hope I get up more often and post again. Life is so demanding and I have so many ideas!
