04 November 2012

Me go shoppin!

I cannot tell you all I bought with some earned money but I started with a lot of art material.
There is a small but long canvas for a planned jellyfish picture in the very left. As you can see lots of DVDs, finally Ponyo! And a part of the cremaster 3. I thought it might be the whole film part three at last but no. I saw 3 -5 in cinema and there seems no chance to ever get all of them on DVD. Well it is art not just movies :( (And Gilmore Girls for the enjoyment).
The interview with the vampire audio book is only a short version (there exists a longer version though). A watercolor postcard pad to fill and a long staple gun because I started making my own sketching books. Metallic colors and some grandiose pens in my favourite color from Faber Castell,
Light kobalt turquoise. A paper blanks shimmering small book, as my take always with me miniature book is almost filled (started in January).
Pentel color brush always a good choice, you should try it!
And there in the front is this remarkable ballpoint pen with five light colors and a mechanical pencil. That one was a gift.
Shopping places were Berlin and Göttingen.

Last but not least I got the german version of "The bird king" by Shaun Tan! I recommend it for everyone who likes strange drawings and pictures. It is not a story but rather a peek into the personal sketchbooks of the master genius (which he probably would deny).

Beste wishes, Nathalie

Oh, I forgot the encre phosphorescente a french ink that glows in the dark, by J. Herbin
I have yet to run some test if I find a nib to use it with.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Natalie,
    Ich hab meine Notizblöcke als Test bei Vistaprint Drucken lassen - die Qualität ist sehr gut, nur die Werbung, die ich seitdem mehrmals täglich bekommen, nervt sehr.
    Mit herzlichen Grüßen,
    Tine vom Carli.Blogspot
